Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Seventh Hound - a Nightmarish Inspiration

Originally, I had decided on a seven-strong Hound unit, with Karanak as a unit upgrade - check out one of my earlier blog entries. However, things move on as they always do, we get a new Codex and Karanak is not a unit upgrade anymore, but an HQ choice. This means I wanted to add a seventh hound so as to have a seven-strong unit, even in cases where I do not want to buy Karanak as an extra Herald.

After playing around with some ideas, I decided to take inspiration from a fellow blogger - or in this case blogerette - namely Nightmare/Ana and her great blog Gardens of Hecate. I particularly liked the following of her creations:
So I intended to go down this path, and combine a hound body with an elongated, equine neck and a horse head. Needless to say, one crazy converting session later, the initial concept had been completely turned around:

I used the body of a Confro Centaur as a basis, and as the model was rather old, it had already lost a hoof. So I simply cut off the second hoof too and replaced them with Dire Wolf legs. The whole thing still needs some green stuff, but is otherwise finished (for the time being).

This uncertainty and sudden inspiration bursts are what really makes me enjoy converting so much.


  1. Maddeningly magnificent. Your creations really are beautiful.

  2. That hound totally works. I really like them cables on its back.

    Completely changing the initial design mid-converting is what happens to me a lot. And I noticed I get especially odd (and cool) results when I start converting late at night, when my brain is tired (I'm a morning type).

    1. I like to have lots of bitz lying around, so I just freestyle and try to create some combinations by simply trying holding bitz to other bitz. Sometimes it really works.


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